The Importance

It is night time and after a brief period of scorching & sweating summer, the rains have taken over and the wind accompanying them takes the weather to cool heaven. Give me no blankets no pillows and I can still sleep down on the ground feeling the coldness of the furniture or I could sleep outside on the grass of the lively football field and no one would bother me in my sacred space, also reminding me of my village. Sleeping under the stars, under our rugs to scare away the cool air, chatting about ghosts and then argue on who would sleep on the last mattress on either side :)

Everyone at many levels in their life has embraced the beauty and liveliness of our mother nature. But are we taking advantage?

Everest Debris

  • 10886.217 Kilograms of Trash
  • 4 Human Bodies found over last 2 months (Apr-May 2019)
  • In the first half, death toll seems to be 11

Clearly, we are not safe from nature and neither is nature safe from us. Humans love adventure, so much so that there is overcrowding everywhere where nature is marketed beautifully. Imagine a place you had seen 10 years ago, so alluring and magical and now you visit the same place and people say it is utter garbage would you not be disappointed and would you not want to see what happened to that place and who did it? Aren’t we collectively responsible? Will our future generations be able to explore and look deep into nature if we destroyed it soon enough? Quite Lately I could relate to lady justice with our problems. We are holding the sword representing authority over nature and trying to create a balance while being blindfolded and alert all the time.

Source: PBS


Those who love nature at it’s fullest know that there is no good or bad nature. They appreciate it in all forms and do not discriminate with nature. We always had good intentions to explore and learn more about our nature. Intentions can be a fickle business, In the ’30s, Thomas Midgley invented the chemical compound ‘freeon’ trying to do good and was a great invention as it saved lives until the scientific community realized it was causing irreparable damage and ripping holes inside the ozone layer, ultimately dubbing Thomas Midgley as the most destructive scientist ever in history. He was just trying to improve the world around him through science but he was human after all. We have little knowledge to act upon and we continue on our journey of discovery of new ideas and inventions.


Since the invention of electricity and networking, we have known that anything can be possible to discover. We are just in awe of the beauty of these creations. Who would have thought that you could just swipe and talk to someone from anywhere to anywhere in the world just over the air(Just the damn air?) What isn’t possible. Are we narrow minded to think of the impossible?. Coming to space, as Asimov’s book describes that an advanced race of extraterrestrial life is already ruling over us which is limited in population but are thousand times powerful to wipe the human race on earth at any time and we might be in a simulation controlled by them with their stories put into our minds and after all we may well be Artifical Intelligence and not Humans. But then, paradoxes spoil our fantasy theories and tell us that if time travelers or aliens existed they would have visited us by now. After all, we are just a tiny little planet called earth in this marvelously humongous cosmos.

Space Debris

  • 128 million pieces of objects
  • Each piece travelling at a velocity that can destroy any rocket coming in its way

It not only poses a threat to space vehicles but humans as well travelling in the future. As my friend once said - The nature will one day get fed up of us and wipe us all. One thing that disturbs me a lot that only some people will ever learn to respect nature. NASA has taken great measures to avoid accidents from space debris and Switzerland has also sent a janitor satellite to clean up space debris. We have always tried to improve or sort our mistakes, but not resorted to prevent it. If we had kept our oceans clean, we wouldn’t have to take measures to clean it - now we are spending millions and the best minds in cleaning up things. I have seen educated people throw waste on the road. What is the reason? For this, I read few opinions of Quorians and majority had said that it is the problem of attitude in people’s behavior and others have blamed the government for lack of measures in garbage management and awareness and strict laws against littering. It certainly does not encourage me when we talk about attitude and hopes are lost when I think about trying to enlighten people of wrong things because eventually, the mind that controls is the mind that performs the cleaning. When I talk about nature, I talk about everything and not just the trees and mountains but everything in this universe, including our body. We got to take care of it all.


I am in favor of colonization and it has been great to explore new lands, and what has been achieved since the 14th century - starting with the Vikings in Norway, Iceland, Greenland. When you notice these people - the explorers and the nomads and the ones working for SpaceX and NASA, they have one thing in common - Madness. The madness that is above all dedication and passion, Madness to discover something impossible - crazy technologies which we might never have heard of because Nasa and other collaborative companies were working on it secretly. Many of my friends interested in tech are scared of what future technology might bring and hell even flying cars creep them out, though we will get used to it and it might just turn out to be like Tomorrowland(2015). I’m not being a pessimist here but want to highlight that our creations have somehow harmed us in some way though we are all excited about what’s to come and it does not include just technology. Technology is fun and I’m not saying to limit your usage and go enjoy nature - we need no harm to the earth we live in. Climate change will kill us all and all of this won’t matter at all. Every invention every person every dream destroyed in an instance and we might have to start from the beginning. Back to dinosaurs then neanderthals tools and again reliving the industrial and agriculture revolution but the people will be different. I believe that everything affects everything just like a simple demand and supply affects the economy of a country. We might find some other earth’s or planets to live sustainably but there are so many concerns. Let’s say we all migrate to Mars in 2030-35 and the earth is destroyed. Our population will kill us first. A growing 8 billion people on a planet which is less dense than our earth and to start everything from the beginning - there will be wars for food, land and just about everything you can think that you had on earth but not on mars and you have to fight for it. It’s not enough on earth and won’t be enough on mars.


I am questioning and complaining the whole article but I believe it had to come out of me from my first blog itself and it also reveals something about me and the way I think and my perspective towards the world. I am also part of the problem and have done nothing about it. Only through education and awareness in social media can we bring a change that is worth talking about

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