One Shot Imagination

The first time, George Mallory at the age of 8, imagined how it would feel like, look like when he would be traveling the toughest natural peak on the planet earth - Everest. He had already imagined himself reaching on the top, he just had to go there now. He had done a lot of school wall climbs and climbing here and there small peaks under 5000ft and everyone had noticed about his special skills of climbing, mountaineering. By the time he was 21 he had already completed more than 17 climbs above 6000ft some even going up to 16000ft but never anything above that. Everest is almost the double of that standing at 29k. There were numerous problems during that time - there was less equipment, less expertise and only sherpas could guide you till the base camp at 21k, and from there for each phase at 24k 26k and final summit, there would be innumerable challenges.

Did he make it or not? is not the question. He imagined, visualized every day being at Mount Everest even before he ever saw it, running countless permutations and visualizing the circumstances, the beauty, nature, and the dangers. The heavenly beauty is what surrounded his imagination. In an interesting book written on the same by Jeffery archer - paths of glory show this at every pathway to the imagination that George Mallory oughted for.

We know the power of it all, and we know thousands of examples from JK rowling, charlie Chaplin to Mickey Mouse, Jonathan Nolan. Somehow our Beautiful Imaginative Imagination gets overshadowed by the daily mundane tasks, routine, and set goals. I’m also reading the same stuff from the power of your subconscious mind, power of now, thinking fast and slow, suggesting to change the way you live and focus on imagining beauty in life and you’ll attract a beauty. Chase those imaginative goals. Remember that quote - reach for the moon, you’ll end up with the stars?. You do want to end up being a star.

Trying to fix my broken specs and inserting the broken temples into the hinges and tightening the screws and, managed to take a look at the outside world while the frames hang in the air, I glanced outside and see the beauty. How often do you see the beauty outside? The bird’s beauty, the animals’ beauty, the thing that is appreciated only when you’re in a nature trail. Here Lord Krishna Shows up and gives me some lessons about caring, humility, the importance of wind, food, water for living beings other than humans from Bhagavad Gita.

My personal favorites are pigeons and elephants. If you could read my mind now, you could see - lord krishna in my imagination telling me what to do, what not to imagine, basically he’s putting things in my mind - maybe I’m brain washed or hallicunating, god knows, and another person in my head is saying lord cannot be the reason for anything it is just your Karam and the fruit. Bygod. When I turned 9, elephants were still able to roam the streets of Mumbai freely - not free but at least they were not in an open area in a zoo. PETA tried, unsuccessful. I would manage to see from the window of my house if an elephant had come by and certainly the jingle bells around the elephant’s neck would awake everyone to witness the elephant, of this big size and how cute it is. Some would donate money just with a stick from the first floor to the elephant handler(I will never say, owner). I was on the third floor and dad had already kept the arrangements for me to sit on the elephant and that is when my love for them started. Only when I grew up did I reiterate my thoughts and learning more about them in every possible way, not just research on the internet but offline experiments in zoos, old libraries, and their stories dating 200 years back. Pigeons on the other hand are more sweet, colorful and innocent. I have seen many pigeons grow over the span of many years, taking shelter in our window space, just in exchange for us to get to see them, feed them. Whenever me and dad went for a walk in the morning, at chowpatty beach, we would never forget to give them desi chickpeas and in return they would fly in circles with their group in perfect alignment with the blue sky and the sea and sand.

There have been unfortunate incidents as well, once I was returning from my usual teaching stint at walkeshwar and noticed an injured bird, immediately called a person I had contact of and he helped it out quickly though the pigeon was bloody.

Second time, it happened again.. almost the same spot near my college bus stop but this time that man couldn’t pick up the phone. The black and blue pigeon started walking dangerously towards the divider, this is the most awful road to cross, it tried to cross, I imagined what it was trying to do, did it know what it was doing? Obviously but we cannot really know about what they thought..

I immediately thought let’s leave it to the pigeon guy who is just 200 meters away. The pigeon somehow reached on the top of divider and then it climbed down to cross the other half to reach with his buddies.

There were crazy ass trucks and fast cars on the beachfront stretch, I picked it up quickly and now it started flapping very fast and strong, so I think this is my fault that I didn’t hold on to her tightly, She slipped out of my hands and in one more step she got crushed underneath the trucks tires.

I miss them sadly, not because they are not here on the streets, but not in the jungles and I don’t even know if jungles are safe anymore. Wildfires can happen any stupid time. When you do something more often and you give your time more to it, you become that and that’s something everyone knows. If you imagine more, picture more.. you’d be able to have a more creative mind?

So how much should you feel? To be able to help them, or anyone. Is there a threshold of studying on a topic? Mr. gates study about 4-5 books on each topic until he gains a good grasp of the topic but when do you start applying and helping people? What’s the set rule or percentage or time when you should help people. Coz you have to share it at one point or another right? In some form otherwise why study in the first place?

Also what is the effective way to write and reach your audience? before sounding naive and obtuse to them and you lose your views and let’s say your philosophical neurons are asking you to publish something about the topic at hand before a set deadline… Turns out there’s a solution. The 37% rule.

Imagine your deadline is two weeks from now and you have to write something great about Brains without sounding as I said “Stupid” and without stating the obvious? Your best strategy is to Read 37% of something really hard and be able to combine your expertise in story writing to frame it in a way you save the day. It’s the most optimal road to not losing your views and also having the knowledge in your head.

More on this later - This is just my variant of the 37 rule. There are 1000 variations of the rule to bend it your way and get that 37% chance. Imagine 37% of animals, birds just vanish away from our earth. What would be the reason behind them leaving? Did they find a much better ecosystem much suitable than our habitable planet? Oh I know this- they might have met their parents and family members who are huge in size so they are 63% of others - Susssshh… If they did meet their family, they would be here.

Is that what happened to dinosaurs? – Whaaaattt.. are you naturally stupid or inclined towards it. You’re on this mission with me. Save the animals. Avengers. Assemble We burn through warm holes and explore various universes and we don’t find them yet. A population of 37% of all animals and birds is huge and could be easily spotted considering they are together. We ask the other half about their loved ones or friends and they have no clue about it, they blame us… we don’t know yet rightfully or not. Maybe the Thanos snap didn’t work properly and it wipes 37 of the population?

Just when I am talking about birds and animals, I take a break and my niece is watching a video on monkeys and how they were caged by a businessman in a fictional video and then sold for profit to show the cleverness of the Business guy… What kind of sorcery is this? Whatever you’re learning, somehow everything goes towards it? I was learning from a new course yesterday and my friend after a long time happened to call me and out of nowhere a topic which is the whole part of the course shows up in our conversation and he talks exactly the principles and techniques showed in the course. Mindfuck Infinity.

I just saw my old short stories when I used to write after my senior year of school, and I must say the imaginative power of that kid compared to now kid is brilliant. That kid drew up dark endings and thrillers and no rhymed poems, Strategies in Bioweapons, Harassment, and Hunger, all of these without reading a single book, all of the power of imagination.

Imagination doesn’t need anything, Sitting here, I can look out the video, visualize my body shrinking itself to escape from the iron grill window and flying to the opposite building’s top and then going into someone’s refrigerator to freak them out.

There was this workshop - it was a 10 in 1 workshop, So in 1 day there were 1-hour workshops, this gentleman who handled the copyright laws and trademark laws for Apple and saves them millions of dollars gets us into a visualization state. Visualization is a sub-part of Imagination. It’s a combination of guided meditation, visualization, and of course peer pressure.

I’ll tell you how, He started with 5 mins of breathing exercise to relax all of us… then he asked us to imagine going home right now with whatever vehicle you want to go into but not the usual ones…

So you have to create your own vehicle to reach home in time otherwise your house will be bombed. Now once you reach there you have to open the refrigerator and smell the muskmelon fruit - I did smell it, feel it, felt the coldness of the fruit in my hand and then there were these pretenders when asked by the host if you’re able to smell…. they replied yes yes when everyone else had finished visualizing. Can’t describe properly, you can always spot a fake when you see it with experience, can’t you? only 30% of the attendees were able to visualize when I asked the majority in a poll answered by 581 people and that didn’t seem like that when asked.. your peer pressure kicking in. So what’s happening here? We weren’t able to visualize and on top of that we feel embarrassed that we couldn’t visualize. 2 in 1 shame

Turns out all of them had aphantasia - Naah not really. My theory is that there is a neural pathway that needs to connect to all the networks and form images, so to create one image you need pixels from all synapses and something is blocking that transfer to happen or some pixels are missing and you’re unable to get the bigger picture. Another theory is people are good at visualization audio or text stories in their heads, so maybe the rest 70% of the crowd was divided into audio viz and text viz, some people are good at both of them. You can visualize audio lyrics or songs in your head, right? Creating new gibberish lyrics but to make it into a new song that works with any rhythm or music and sing it loud?

For Programmers Hey quora, quora you aint my dora Reddit is our esposa, go find yourself another senora Tiktok a copy of Dubsmash, stackoverflow is the only aura. Darkness is our IDE, Errors are the light. We don’t want to wake up, so keep debugging on flight. 1 semicolon no worries, solved and 999 more errors to endurite. To Burn your RAM, PC, gotta run android studio. Learn new concepts, fire up an Indian in a youtube video. Getting rid of the wrist syndrome, drinking coffee with pistachio. Prof Andrew Ng, Don’t worry if you don’t know Talk is cheap, Code me and show Writing code with frustation, like surviving without milk of cow Senior developer asks who wrote the code, hide yourself now. Last one was spoiled over, so see you when I caw like a crow